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Do you feel the walls of free speech closing in? Finding yourself cringing or recoiling in horror at what you hear in the mainstream news and press, or even some podcasts you found to be free in the past? Yeah, same here. As life students of history, we also see more and more parallels to the former empires of the world that rose and fell and find ourselves asking often if America and many countries in Europe are on their way to becoming the next Lost Empire.

Sound appealing? Lost Empires just might be your new home. Settle in, get comfortable, all are welcome.

If you don’t like having your ideas challenged and you prefer living in an echo chamber, you won’t like it here. We are as close you can be to free speech absolutists, and we infuse that with a healthy dose of logic. Rare qualities these days, we are aware.

So - why did we start? Our idea germinated over time, we found ourselves having an early version of this podcast at a variety of bars and pubs and realized that we might as well try to expand our audience and see if others resonate with it. We’d love to grow into a forum for guests with a variety of views to further grow all of our views.

What can you expect? A weekly show focused on current events - news, culture, and politics where we crack some beers, pour some whiskey, and break it down. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we disagree, sometimes we fight. But every time we believe we walk away a bit more ‘educated’ through the ancient tradition of debate.

What’s in it for you? We like to imagine this would be a great background for your commute, or perhaps a soundtrack as you cook breakfast on a weekend morning.

We’re thrilled to be joining locals so we can slowly build a community, hear from you in terms of topic ideas and feedback as we attempt to keep a bastion of free speech and logic in an increasingly illogical world.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

Lost Empires Community | Powered by Locals